That's all I do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be.


Hello stranger! It's Jared. Jared is a third-year cognitive science major and the current owner of computer store Sparky & Geeks @ UCSD. Jared is also a developer, entrepreneur wannabe, DIY electrician, and music junky. Last but not least, Jared is human.


I always loved engineering. With a decade's worth of experience in computer and software engineering (specifically in computer networks, web services, and operating systems), I became the sysadmin of our roommate's Minecraft server in 2019, and subsequently of my family's home lab server now in 2021. As a software developer I'm also quite active in open-source communities and developer forums, where I get the chance to network with people and become part of the community. I also have a fair amount of experience in residential electrical systems. In fact, one of my dream jobs is being a part-time electrician. Learn more about the projects I've done here.


Besides engineering, I'm also interested in entrepreneurship. I always wanted to found my own company, so I've been developing ideas for my future companies since the age of 7. Notably the two companies that I have in mind so far are Rex Inc. (also called Retmax), a tech company and its subsidiary eLitet (pronounced Elite-T), a telecommunication company.

I am human

While not working or studying, I would go to the beach, hang out with friends, roll up joints (just kidding), and get drunk. While having fun I may also reflect on the rationalities behind human behaviors as part of my own life-long research project and develop understandings of the interrelationship between networked computer systems and human social networks, which I found in recent years quite fascinating.

At home, I listen to songs all the time. I may fit into the definition of "music junky" since I'm generally very accepting of various music genres. My top genre according to Spotify is country, which isn't surprising because I like the "down-to-earth"-ness of country songs. I'm also a senior member of UCSD's official Reddit community.



You enjoy doing engineering projects. And, so do I! I can't build flying cars (yet! although I know some of you can), but like everybody else I just want to keep my hands busy! - Just as some legend once said, "More saving. More doing." I say why not "More doing. More saving" 'cause ya know, engineering is life, engineering is $$ dawg! Okay cringe talk over. I just want to let you know that I do virtually any kind of engineering projects - whether it's computer software or computer hardware or just plain old electrical work. Obviously I have gained a lot of experience from those projects during the past few years, and I learned a lot - from understanding the real-world applications of computer algorithms to something as simple as adding an outlet to the wall... Yet still, nothing is more important than the fact that I had fun, and that at least I have something I can brag about...


2019 - Present

HTML JavaScript Personal Website.

This website is one of the software engineering projects I'm working on! See the Links section for details.

C/C++ libnetwork (lnetwork)

A generic network library designed to make performance-oriented network programming fun and easy. I've been planning this project for years now. It might end up becoming a userspace network stack. We don't know yet.

Bash bashutils (formally azucar)

Utility library for bash. Its original name en espaƱol stands for "syntax suger." I current don't have the motivation to maintain it. If you are interested definitely reach out on GitHub.


C xt_tls

A Linux netfilter iptables module for filtering internet traffic based on hostnames present in HTTP and HTTPS TLS (SNI, Server Name Indication) headers. Extremely half-baked because I didn't bother to test it. The project was based on @Lochnair's original project of the same name.

C Shadowsocks - shadowsocks-libev

A variant of the bloated SOCKS protocol with authentication headers completely ripped off (yay!), featuring end-to-end encryption. The lack of TCP session multiplexing was a bummer, otherwise we would have saved a ton of latencies caused by the TCP three-way handshake processes alone. I originally contributed to this project by adding TCP Fast Open support for the transparent proxy client, hoping it would potentially mitigate the problem, but to no avail. TCP Fast Open failed for obvious reasons - it's a hack. I'm planning to write a TCP session multiplexer as part of my libnetwork project. Maybe if y'all didn't use TCP for HTTP in the first place we wouldn't have this mess (given that 95% of time we use proxies or VPNs for web browsing). QUIC is the future of HTTP anyways.


HTML JavaScript Live TV

Poor man's IPTV. Turns your browser into a live TV instantly. Similar to Pluto TV but isn't legit. The user experience is slightly superier though, because you can switch channels seamlessly just using the up/down arrow key on your keyboard, similar to how you switch channels on a remote.

HTML JavaScript

Another website project! Except this time it's for the future telecommunication company (eLitet) I'm planning.

C++ Stacie

A multithreaded download manager that simply just does NOT work. Similar to aria2 but again, it just does NOT work. I reckon the algorithm is correct - but the actual implementation... ugh it's a nightmare.


Ever since my roommate and I got our server we could barely keep our hands off servers a single day. The IT industry is amazing, but it's also no less labor intensive than the compsci industry. As a system administrator you may not make too many mistakes, as bad decisions often lead to disastrous consequences. Your job is to keep the system up and running 24/7/365. As previously mentioned in the About section, I kept the Minecraft server running during my stay at UCSD. Even though we wasted tons of electricity and got no money in return, it was generally a fun experience.

Residential Electrical


Coming soon.

Blogs (aka. Rant Space)


My collection of good songs and memes.


Coming soon. Stay Tuned!


Coming soon. Stay Tuned!

Links & Resources

Additional information about me and my website and some other stuff that you might find interesting.